The human resources of the company are the mirror of the quality of the services it provides. The basic principles of maintaining a very good level of service are the following:

1. Careful selection of staff

Our company selects the staff based on the profile and the special features required. All employees are necessarily trained and knowledgeable about their job role.

2. Constant updating of new data in the security services with seminars for a limited number of people. Corresponding information to the staff dealing with cleanliness-hygiene in new methods and developments.

We follow the news every day around the world. We analyze the situation and point out mistakes, omissions and lack of organization and administration. This fact alone adds to our company experience and analytical ability as well as the ability to predict adverse situations.

Our staff is supervised & spot checked by supervisors discreetly at intervals. During the phase of sudden surveillance, we find out whether the instructions given are followed and we take immediate corrective actions.

The elements that characterize our staff are: "FORECAST - PREVENTION - ACTION"